Dar al-Ifta al-Missriyyah | Egypt

Dar al-Ifta al-Missriyyah is one of Egypt’s centers for Islamic legal research. It was established in 1895 CE and is considered one of the earliest modern fatwa producing institutes. Dar al-Ifta’s fatwa begins by covering several preparatory issues – giving definitions, arguments for various opinions, and their preferences. During the preparatory points, Dar al-Ifta affirms their preferences that it is permissible to transport Zakat to another land and to give Zakat to a single individual. They observe that Islamic law sometimes makes distinctions between natural persons and legal persons. They argue that UNHCR is a legal person and that the opinions that place additional restrictions on distributing Zakat through non-Muslims apply to natural persons – not legal persons. Dar al-Ifta considers it permissible to give Zakat to refugees provided that they fall within one of the eight categories. Dar al-Ifta concludes that it is permissible for an individual to appoint UNHCR as his/ her agent for distributing and delivering Zakat to refugees and displaced persons – provided that the recipients fulfill the necessary conditions. UNHCR cannot take any portion of the Zakat in exchange for the services they provide. Additionally, safeguards must be put in place to ensure that UNHCR complies with all of the above.

Muslim World League | KSA
The Muslim World League (based in the Holy City of Mecca, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) was established in 1962 following...
The Fatwa Council of Tareem | Yemen
The Fatwa Council of Tareem is located in Hadramaut, Yemen. Hadramaut has been a major center for scholarship for over...
Dr Sheikh Ali Gomaa | Egypt
Dr Sheikh Ali Gomaa is the former Grand Mufti of the Arab Republic of Egypt and professor of Islamic jurisprudence...