Interview with Dominik Bartsch UNHCR representative in Jordan. No country can tackle the COVID19 pandemic alone, and no part of our societies can be disregarded if we are to effectively …
Blog Posts
I have worked for UNHCR for more than eight years now, and I’ve had the privilege to work on supporting refugee and internally displaced families who have fled some of …
3.88 million refugees and internally displaced people in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt need timely and substantial assistance to shield their families from the cold weather Recent displacement from …
DUBAI – UNHCR’s pioneering Refugee Zakat Fund has been recognized as the ‘Best Global Zakat Distribution Platform 2019’ at the Global Islamic Finance Awards (GIFA), held in Cape Town, South Africa …
In the context of refugee crises, over 50% of refugee and internally displaced families are in debt. After losing their homes and possessions, and exhausting their savings, many are forced …
The word “ghareem” comes from the word “ghurm”, which means debt. The gharem is a person in debt, which is clearly stated in the Quran as an eligible category to …
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