Five Ways You Can Help Refugees this Dhul-Hijjah

As we observe the sacred days of Dhul-Hijjah, we are reminded of the significance and spiritual value of compassion and charitable acts. Extending our kindness and generosity to people in need are rewarded manifold during these blessed days. According to Sahih Al Bukhari, prophet Muhammad, pbuh, said “There are no days on which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days [first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah].” To mark these blessed days, here are five ways you can extend your support to forcibly

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How to extend your Ramadan table to refugees in need

During these blessed days of Ramadan, our hearts are called to perform acts of compassion and community towards those in need. We remember refugees whose lives, disrupted by conflicts and natural disasters, are marked by loss and uncertainty. And while our homes and tables overflow with joy and togetherness, for refugees, there is often no such place. This year, we send a heartfelt call to extend your Ramadan table to vulnerable refugee and displaced families.   Take a look at the

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Sheikhul Islam | Thailand

Giving during Ramadan is not just about charity; it’s a core belief in Islam about caring for others. The money raised in this year’s Ramadan campaign will go towards helping refugees and displaced families in dire need of support. The Sheikhul Islam of Thailand, Arun Boonchom, as the spiritual leader of Thailand’s Muslim community, is supporting UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)’s Ramadan campaign. The campaign aims to help people in need among refugees and other displaced people affected by violence and

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6 things you should know about UNHCR’s Zakat fund

Let us shed some light on UNHCR’s Refugee Zakat Fund and explore 6 key facts that highlight its strong governance and important role in delivering lifesaving assistance to eligible families worldwide.   1- Zakat Eligibility You’ll be dedicating your Zakat to vulnerable refugees and IDPs who fall under at least four of the eight categories of eligible recipients mentioned in the Holy Quran: the poor, the needy, the debtors, and the wayfarers. 2- Endorsed by 17 Fatwas! The Fund is

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The North American Imams Fellow

Established in 2004, the North American Imams Fellow (NAIF) represents a cooperative entity of Islamic leaders serving the multifaceted Muslim communities across North America. The Fellow acts as a unified platform for Imams and chaplains, a pivotal resource, and a point of reference for North American Muslims, governmental bodies, and media channels. In June 2023, NAIF issued a fatwa recognizing and supporting UNHCR as a suitable entity for the collection and distribution of Zakat funds from North American Muslims to

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UNHCR unveils mid-year Islamic Philanthropy report; supporting more than 1.5 Million people in nearly 21 countries

UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency has unveiled its Mid-Year Islamic Philanthropy (IP) Report. The figures released show that the support received in the first half of 2023 will positively aid the lives of more than 1.5 million individuals in 21 countries.  Over 110 million people, more than 1% of the global population, are forcibly displaced. UNHCR’s Islamic philanthropy has become a key element in the response to this displacement crisis and provides an essential lifeline to millions of refugees, internally

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World Refugee Day Dinner at the Ismaili Centre in Dubai

On June 21st, in collaboration with UNHCR, the Ismaili Centre in Dubai hosted a dinner in observance of World Refugee Day. This event brought together prominent members of the Ismaili community and fostered engaging conversations about the global displacement crisis. The dinner event featured a significant panel discussion that featured representatives from both UNHCR and the Aga Khan Development Network. Our very own Houssam Chahine was a key participant in this conversation, where he provided detailed insights into the global

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World Refugee Day: Hope Away from Home

On June 20th, we mark World Refugee Day, established by the United Nations to honour the courage of refugees worldwide, forced to flee due to conflict or persecution. This day serves as a global call to action to ensure refugees’ rights, needs, and dreams are addressed, mobilizing support to enhance their lives. Initiated in 2001, and known before that as Africa Refugee Day, this international day now involves a myriad of events globally. These activities involve refugees, government officials, host

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Escalating Violence in Sudan: An Urgent Humanitarian Crisis

UNHCR urgently needs your support to protect and assist civilians caught in the midst of escalating violence in Sudan. Refugees, internally displaced people, and local communities are facing severe challenges as they struggle to access essential resources and assistance. The outbreak of fighting has significantly hindered humanitarian efforts, making it even more critical for us to step up and provide aid to those in desperate need. As people flee the violence, they are arriving in neighboring countries such as Chad,

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