Five Ways You Can Help Refugees this Dhul-Hijjah

As we observe the sacred days of Dhul-Hijjah, we are reminded of the significance and spiritual value of compassion and charitable acts. Extending our kindness and generosity to people in need are rewarded manifold during these blessed days. According to Sahih Al Bukhari, prophet Muhammad, pbuh, said “There are no days on which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days [first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah].”

To mark these blessed days, here are five ways you can extend your support to forcibly displaced persons:

1. Zakat

Refugees are one of the eligible group categories to receive Zakat. Through our trusted and Sharia-compliant Refugee Zakat Fund, your Zakat can ease the economic burden on many displaced families in need, allowing them to secure their basic needs and maintain a dignified life. Refugee families use the zakat money they receive to pay rent, and secure food and clean water.

The Refugee Zakat Fund has a 100 percent distribution policy, with absolutely no deductions. You will also be able to track your Zakat donation from the moment you process the transaction until you it reaches the family in need.

You can donate through the App, or through our website.

2. Sadaqah Jariyah

Another great way you can offer your help for refugees this week is through the gift of water. Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, informs us that water is the best form of charity. Many refugees face severe challenges to access clean water.

While bracing the extreme summer heat, thousands of Sudanese families in Chad struggle to secure clean drinking water. By supporting the construction of water wells in refugee camps in Chad, you will help almost 10,000 families have a healthy and sustainable access to drinking water and help increase the water availability for crops and livestock. This in turn will have a ripple effect and help support the entire community to thrive.

You can also donate for the Sadaqah Jariyah project in honour of your loved ones.  

You can donate through the App or through our website.

3. Support UNHCR’s Adha Campaign

The threat of famine looms large for thousands of refugees in Sudan and Yemen. At the end of 2023, 24 million people were on the brink of famine in Sudan. In Yemen, 17.3 million are dealing with acute food insecurity, with six million on the verge of famine.

“The last time we had meat was a year ago at Eid Al-Adha.” Saeedah, displaced Yemeni mother.

Before Eid approaches, you can make a significant impact on thousands of families. UNHCR has identified 5,543 of the most vulnerable displaced families in Yemen and Sudan. Due to ongoing conflict and war, their situation has worsened, leading to an alarming scarcity of food, clean water and much more.

Balqees, another displaced Yemeni mother told us: “Sometimes I earn enough money to feed my children… Other times I end up crying because I have nothing to feed them”

Join our efforts today to secure food and water to the most vulnerable families in Sudan and Yemen.

Please donate through our website.

4. Friday Giving

During these blessed days, our Friday giving program presents a simple yet significant chance to commit to help forcibly displaced families on a regular basis. Friday is when the rewards of Sadaqah and good deeds are magnified. You can automate your Sadaqah and Friday donations through our “Friday Giving” programme, and help displaced people in need, especially the families of widows, orphans, and the elderly, with on-going support.

You can join the community of Friday Givers through our website.

5. Raise Awareness & Spread the Word

Finally, one of the best ways you can help and support refugees and internally displaced persons during these holy days is by spreading the word and telling others how they can help. We invite you to share the knowledge you have about refugees, and the many ways you can extend your support and bring them some comfort. We also ask you to keep refugees in your thoughts and prayers during these sacred days, many of whom are also observing these holy days.

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